Since shortly after this coronavirus “quarantine” started in Georgia, I have been home, tracking the statistics and reading everything I can, trying to understand how our state is faring in relation to this virus.
One thing that has become clear to me from social media is that while the Georgia DPH is sharing a lot of data, they have not done a great job of making their data useful and understandable. I have a background in technical writing, and I love math and statistics, so I thought I’d start this site to share easy-to-understand information about coronavirus and its spread in Georgia.
I first wanted to help people understand the key numbers presented in the Georgia DPH Daily Status Report. I also have been tracking hospitalization usage closely in Georgia, which is tracked by GEMA, not DPH, so I have a page about that as well.
I’ll be adding more resources and data to this site in the coming days, so bookmark it and come back.